Job Offers

We are regularly looking for student assistants and offer HiWi activities at our Chair as well as in the Research Area Smart Data & Knowledge Services (SDS) at the DFKI. If you are interested, simply ask - even if no position is officially announced!

Integration of Disk Analyzer Component into Digital Forensics Pipeline


  • Open Source Digital Forensics Library


The Sleuth Kit is an open source digital forensics library which can be used to analyze contents of hard disks, USB Sticks or other computer memory devices. It allows the interpretation of file system structures an data recovery. The Sleuth Kit is written in C. We currently search for a student assistant to help us with integrating The Sleuth Kit in an existing C# project. Therefor a suitable wrapper must be developed to make the open source C code of The Sleuth Kit available in our C# and .NET environment. It is possible to use at least two different existing approaches as a starting point for this work. A proper documentation and well-designed test cases are a crucial factor and an integral part of the development.


The contract is limited to a maximum of 10 hours per week for three months.


  • Advanced knowledge of the C programming language
  • Advanced knowledge of C# and .NET
  • Basic Knowledge of Microsoft Visual Studio and development on the Windows platform.
  • Motivational cover letter

Sherlock Holmes goes AI - Generative comics art of detective scenes and identikits


  • Bias in image generation models
  • Deep Learning Frameworks
  • Frontend visualization
  • Speech-To-Text, Text-to-Image Models
  • Transformers, Diffusion Models, Hugging Face


Sherlock Holmes is taking the statement of the witness. The witness is describing the appearance of the perpetrator and the forensic setting they still remember. Your task as the AI investigator will be to generate a comic sketch of the scene and phantom images of the accused person based on the spoken statement of the witness. For this you will use state-of-the-art transformers and visualize the output in an application. As AI investigator you will detect, qualify and quantify bias in the images which are produced by different generation models you have chosen.


This work is embedded in the DFKI KI4Pol lab together with the law enforcement agencies. The stories are fictional you will not work on true crime.


  • German level B1/2 or equivalent
  • Outstanding academic achievements
  • Motivational cover letter

Text Mining / Parallel Data Processing


  • Information Extraction
  • Knowledge Graphs
  • Large Scale Data Processing
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Web Crawling


Crawling large amounts of websites and web archives requires large scale data processing technologies, like parallel computing in the cloud (e.g. with PySpark). Various NLP tools then are used to automatically extract and classify important keywords from the crawled text, to build knowledge graphs or to classify the document as a whole. A major challenge here is to deal with inconsistencies and ambiguities in human language, written text and faulty HTML code.

Construction & Application of Enterprise Knowledge Graphs in the E-Invoicing Domain


  • knowledge graphs
  • knowledge services
  • linked data
  • semantic web


In recent years knowledge graphs received a lot of attention as well in industry as in science. Knowledge graphs consist of entities and relationships between them and allow integrating new knowledge arbitrarily. Famous instances in industry are knowledge graphs by Microsoft, Google, Facebook or IBM. But beyond these ones, knowledge graphs are also adopted in more domain specific scenarios such as in e-Procurement, e-Invoicing and purchase-to-pay processes. The objective in theses and projects is to explore particular aspects of constructing and/or applying knowledge graphs in the domain of purchase-to-pay processes and e-Invoicing.